"Exploration of the Unexpected" - Online Submission for Film Photography Exhibit now OPEN!

By Paul McKay

Analog Forever!

No this is not a mis-spelling, nor is it an announcement that we are going to rebrand for an American audience. It is instead the exciting news that we have partnered with the wonderful Analog Forever magazine to sponsor their February exhibition!

"Exploration of the Unexpected"

The brief for the exhibition is as follows:

"Sonder" is defined as "the profound feeling of realising that everyone, including strangers passed in the street, have a life as complex as one's own...". It's not often that individuals have this moment of zen commuting to work. However as photographers we not only capture other people's lives on film, we also spend a brief and fleeting moment of time occupying that space between observer and participant  in our subjects lives, even if they are only minutely aware of us. Perhaps through this process we have on occasion helped induce that profound feeling of sonder in another.

analog forever exhibition - (c) Julia Dean - Analogue Wonderland

(c) Julia Dean

For this exhibition we are exploring the unexpected moments that induce this feeling of sonder via street photography. We invite you to submit two analogue images that give the viewer a glimpse into the lives of another person. Maybe from your local neighbourhood or from a foreign place where the only barrier is language. The photographs submitted should transport our viewers from being a casual observer to an intimate participant in your subject's life. The only limiting factor to this group exhibition is that it must consist of candid or street photography. There is no restriction on film, format, or process. 

The best of these images will be showcased in an online show curated by Julia Dean, Executive Director of the Los Angeles Center of Photography, and will go live on the Analog Forever website on February 18th, 2019.

T&Cs can be found on the Analog Forever website. Good luck!

ENTER HERE. Deadline for submissions: January 31st 2019


Prize: a DSLR

Only joking. It's film! We will hand-pick some of our favourite films from the over-200 available in our store, focusing on the small independent suppliers who are creating analogue magic. The goodie bag will be sent out as soon as the lucky winner is chosen.

photo (c) Julia Dean - Analogue Wonderland

(c) Julia Dean

About Analog Forever

Analog Forever is a recent publication in the film photography world. They launched their website in September 2018 and plan their first print issue to go live at the end of 2019. Their team is energetic, talented and passionate about film photography. We are THRILLED to be partnering with such an exciting new venture and cannot wait to see what they create over the coming months and years. Read more about their story here: about Analog Forever.

Analog Forever logo


About Julia Dean

Julia Dean is a photographer, educator, writer, and executive director/founder of the Los Angeles Center of Photography. She began her career as an apprentice to pioneering photographer Berenice Abbott. Later, Julia was a photo editor for the Associated Press in New York. She has traveled to more than 45 countries while freelancing for numerous relief groups and magazines. Her extensive teaching experience includes over 35 years at various colleges, universities and educational institutions including the University of Nebraska, Los Angeles Valley College, Los Angeles Southwest College, Santa Monica College, the Santa Fe Workshops, the Maine Photographic Workshops, Oxford University and the Los Angeles Center of Photography.

For the past 17 years, Julia has concentrated on street photography around the world. For the past seven years, street shooting in downtown Los Angeles has been her primary focus. In 2015, her work was selected for a book published by Acuity Press and PDN magazine featuring 20 street shooters around the world. Julia and her work was also featured in Digital Photo Pro and Black & White Magazine UK in 2017.

Julia received a Bachelor of Science degree in photography at the Rochester Institute of Technology and a Master of Arts degree in journalism at the University of Nebraska, and is the author/photographer of the award-winning children’s book, A Year on Monhegan Island.

Connect with Julia on her Website and Instagram! You can learn about the Los Angeles Center of Photography by visiting their Website!

Julia Dean - Analogue Wonderland

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