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Female Film Photographers to Follow!
By Emma Lloyd
(@ejlloydart) started a project called #sheheartsfilm. The aim was to bring a spotlight onto female film photographers to follow, to share work, to celebrate each other and grow the female film community so that we can support each other with our creative endeavours.
We were blown away by the response, we over 150 submissions to our google docs form, where ladies wrote in about their photography work for the chance to be featured on the analogue wonderland blog. Choosing has been an absolute mission, and we are still working our way through entries. So in the meantime I thought I would compile a list of all the lovely ladies who entered, so we can all give them a follow on instagram, support their work and build an incredible network of female photographers.
*These are in no particular order, all equally brilliant and definitely worth checking out their profiles!*
- Avery Alexander @greeeenmarble
- Ellie Maynard @ell.films
- Tonicha Gordon @iso_latedfilm
- Bex Saunders @bexsaundersphotography
- Madeleine Sanger @inawheatfield
- Audrey Bizouerne @audreybizouernephoto
- Aimee-Rose Laing @_aimeephotos
- Nina Raedel @bandsonfilm
- Cinthia Baseler @cinthiabaseler
- Katerina Woodcock @Katerinafilm
- Marilena Vlachopoulou @darkroom.memoir
- Alexia @35mmfolklore
- Emma Wheeler @theartcasts
- Millie Riley @35mm.millie
- María González @Selollevoelviento
- Amy Marie Gladding @my_faraway
- Claudina @claudina.e
- Irene Stylianou @ire_stylianou
- Lena @verylehna
- Hanna Beltran @hanalogital
- Keeley pearce @Keeleypearce_photography
- Hannah @superhannonfilm
- Valentine de Villemeur @fragmentedstreet
- Abi Millen @floodingoverflowing
- Kristelle @disposable_analog
- Amber Jesson @amberjessonart_
- Irene Galilea @galeiri
- Jessica Ralph @Jralphart
- Niamh Casey @NiamhCaseyFilm
- Kali Georgiou @kodakkali
- Sara Torras @bysaratorras
- Inês Pinto @real_pansy
- Niamh Campbell @niamhphotog & @nc35mm
- Izzy Panatti @IzzyPanarty
- Emma Swann @emmaswannphoto
- Nikki @thenegativecameraclub
- Sabrina @brigraphy89
- Eli Giuglea @last.film.roll
- Kristina Casarova @tina.casarova
- Sarah Hewitt @s.hewitt15
- Maria Brosnan @maria_brosnan
- Elisha Fall @elishafall_
- Carolina Bonnelly @carolinabonnelly and @PolaroidChic_
- kat connelly @katconnellyfilm
- Jennifer Agnew @jenniferagnew_
- Taylar Stauss @t.e.film
- Mikaela Rackham @Mikaela_rackham
- Alessia Rita Palermiti @alessiapalermiti
- Zuza Maria @zuzaameduza
- Alison @neurons_and_phonons + @darkroomrat
- Beth Leitch @bethleitchphotography
- Sarah Louis @saraah.ls
- Sara Romanin @Jacur sara_jacpur
- Carolina Yanez @cyanezzz
- Claire Macdonald @Oceansfilm_
- Xenia Dautzenberg @yakaeh
- Francesca @me.darkroom
- Laura Callsen @lauracallsen
- Stevie Keen @stevieellaphotography
- Hayley Buyers @weestreetsnaps
- Laura Ross @boxofnegatives
- Allison J Putnam @allisonputnamphoto
- Julia Fragomeni @juliafragmni
- Hazel Hutchison @imagesbyhaze_
- Meghan Roshak @Mroshakphotography
- Michelle Marques @Mishmarques
- Justine Angela Gudes @jajaonfilm
- Cindy Aguilar @Photos.By.Cindy
- Joyce Fernando @joyceyfresh
- Ginger Galore @headshots.and.hydrangeas / @ginger.galore
- Kajsa Lorentzon @kegen
- Holly Gilman @schoolofholly
- Ashley Mandapat @mandapat
- Ellie Houghton @flyflowfilm
- Joy Celine Asto @thecaffeinated
- Jemma Bannocks @apintsizedcosmos
- Augustine KLARFELD @auguskla
- Cameron Maxwell @cam_phot0graphy
- Sophie Allen @sophie_allen_hull
- Patricia (Pat) Steinger @astoldbypat
- Anne Charlotte Pecqueur @Odildeuxmille
- Sophie Sherwood @photosophiaus
- M Gonzalez @Venusinfurrr
- Ilenia @novilunio.analog
- Lydia Robinson @lydsthatpicstook
- Emma Filer @emmafi.photo
- Emilija @emilijagasic
- Gülsen Göksel @gulsen.goksel
- Grace Bristo @gracebristo
- Savannah Dodd @savannahdoddphoto
- Chloe Stearman @_chlosphotography
- Manuela @manuela_fraioli
- Alexandra Haslam @alexandrahaslam
- Sara Tarnowski @tarnography
- Marta Mamon @marta.mamon
- Adele Mary Reed @thecatbath
- Alison Grant @amgbrissie80
- Lucy Oldfield @lucymayoldfield
- Catherine Jablonski @Catherine_jablonski_
- Kelsea Heath @kelsealeighanneheath
- Carina @inanalogue
- Cat Muireann @catmuireann
- Catarina Ramos @insecure_frames
- Carol Stanley @carolvivstanley
- Erika Drake @LumenNovis
- Nicole @nicolethirtyfive
- Bri Duguay @afotophase
- Sarah Hurst @dreamingismyart
- Olivia Morrison @Oliviagmorrison
- Leonora @_ourluckyones
- Gabby Bourne @gabbybournephoto
- Shonagh Kelly @shonagh.kelly
- Becka Lesieutre @theblackandwhitebasement
- Lottie Wilson @lottiewilsonphoto
- Amanda Dombroski @Analogue.Potato
- Diana Field @diana_field_analogue
- Carrie Davenport @gerryscamera
- Holly @photoxcore_archive
- Rima Virbauskaite @rimavirbauskaite
- Christie @_csfilm
- Bonni Walquist @bona.roba
- Helen Hooker @hhpinhole
- Nuria Cabrera Sancho @nurshootsfilm
- Niamh Campbell @niamhphotog @nc35mm
- Leah Abbott @leahscollective
- Helena Exquis @exquis
- Rebecca T @r_b_ca
- Hayley @hcrafty87
- Andrea Alvarez Chalar @anduviajandu
- Sophie @watzietsoof
- Sarah Ward @ycontrolphoto
- Sarah Tunstall @sarahtookthese__
- Isabelle Kemp @infiniteisabelle
- Kylie Anderson @k_shootsfilm
- Stonegeist @stonegeist
- Paola Katherine Rodriguez @paopaokat.film / @brokenfreeproject
- Melissa Mitchell @iammelissamitchell
- Kimberley @kjmrichards
- Madison Beach @madisonbeachphotos
- Jemima Le Sueur @jemimalesueur_
- Hollie Cornish @hmc_j.photo
- Ewelina Dziedzic @girlwithpentax
- Lottie Acton @lottieameliaphotography
- JoJo @mojojo.jojojo
- Aideen @aideenanna
- Crystal Drew @scaredycatdrew
- Molly Bryce @mb_traces
- Abigail Stanley @mrsabigailelizabeth
- Sarah Thompson @sarah_t_photo
- Sofia Ferreira @sofiaferreira.onfilm
- Eva Dixon @Eva_maree_art
- Charlotte Perkins @pandalotte
- Josephine Goris @josie.on.film
- Sedona May Tubb @Sedona_May
- Catarina Ramos @insecure_frames
- Eva Maree Art @Eva_maree_art
- Dani Beck @many_negatives
- Hilary Clarke @aitchclarke
- Meredith Wilson @merrimayhem
- Ruth Storey @roo_roo_s
- Ina Echternach @iamina
- Amanda Izquierdo @mandyleft
- Miranda McDermott @mirandajanephoto
- Nyah Rincher @paramecium.with.a.minolta
- Alice Campos @alicecampos_z
- Ellen Rogers @ellenjanerogers
- The Snappy Mole @the_snappy_mole
- Nikki Culley @nikkiculleyphoto
- Paula Smith @paulasmithphoto
- Poppy J Gregson @poppyjenniifer
- Claire Macdonald @oceansfilm_
- Freya Pryce @freyapryceart
- Stacey Sinclair @stacey_sinclair_photography
- Molly Kate @eclectachrome
- Chloe Faye Simons @chloefayephoto
- Charlotte Turnock @charlturnockfilm
- Madeline @haeliophoto
- Alexandra Herron @her.on.shoots
- Emily Rose Parris @emilyroseparris
- Angela Allison @aangelaallison
- Abby Poulson @abpoulson
- Sapphire Goss @sapphire_goss
- Kelly Barfoot @barfootk_art
If we have forgotten someone please leave a comment below and we will add them into the list!
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