Film Washi is a French company founded in 2013 by Lomig Perrotin. The company is renowned for its unique approach to film production, and it has quickly established itself as a significant player in the analog photography industry.

Lomig Perrotin started Film Washi in a small closet in his Parisian flat, where he experimented with film production. Later, he moved the company to his family's garage in Saint-Nazaire, where he continued to refine his approach to film production.


Lomig - founder of Film Washi


The name Film Washi is derived from the Japanese word for handmade paper, 'washi.' This name reflects the company's commitment to producing films with a personal touch and a focus on simplicity and innovation.

Film Washi's manufacturing process is based on the principles of eco-friendliness and sustainability. The company uses recycled materials to produce many of its production tools, such as 120 rollers, 135-cartridge loaders, and IR glasses. In addition, Film Washi has developed a unique approach to film production, using simple tools and processes that minimize waste and maximize efficiency. Film Washi produces a range of unique films, including its Washi W, Washi S, and Washi V products.


Washi A 35mm film - sample photo


Since its founding, Film Washi has sold over 110,000 films to customers across the world. The company has established a reputation for innovation and creativity in the analog photography industry, with its films being used by photographers, filmmakers, and artists worldwide.

Film Washi has also established partnerships with a range of retailers across France, Europe, and other parts of the world, enabling more people to experience its unique Washi films and approach to photography.

The company has established a reputation for innovation and sustainability in the analogue photography industry, producing unique films with a personal touch and a focus on simplicity and efficiency. With over 110,000 films sold worldwide and partnerships with retailers across the globe, Film Washi continues to make a significant impact on the world of analogue photography.