Or, preferably, both!
Finally got to try a roll of this that I bought late last year. The weather was very bright (EV around 13-14 in the open)and very contrasty. So I allowed my conceit to get the better of me and headed out onto the coast with the Fantome loaded into a Pentax MX (because it'll meter down to ISO 6) with the kit 28-80mm, f3.5-5.6, zoom (because I couldn't be bothered to carry more than one)
Not a single shot was at faster than 1/45th and for most I was trying to hand-hold at 1/20th or slower and sharpness went out the window apart from a few blind luck shots.
I was then faced with the problem that there were no listed dev times for any of the developers I keep to hand. So I took a stab at 7 minutes in ID11 which worked ok but could probably have been 30 seconds or so shorter. The highlights weren't fully blocked, but they were so close that I couldn't separate them scanning at 16 bit.
Despite all that, the film produced some really nice punch. Masses of contrast and a really impressive tonal range. Where the shake didn't soften it, there's plenty of definition and very little grain.
The base is exceptionally clear and it dries easily BUT the curl is an absolute nightmare. Having dried with weighted clips, as soon as the first strip was cut, it coiled itself up into a circle. The second strip curled tighter, then tighter again, until the final strip which made 2 complete turns on itself! That made handling for scanning very difficult indeed and is the only reason it lost a star on the rating.
I'll definitely be trying this one again because it absolutely screams potential if I can learn to tame it!