Discover the Entire World of Analogue Photography. SilvergrainClassics is an international quarterly print journal about all things film.
The Spring 2025 edition!
Each 100-page issue has a combination of portfolios in book-quality print, gear talk and techniques, and insider news, written by photographers for photographers.
A fantastic inspiration for film photographers of all shooting styles and experience!
Six new portfolios: Polaroids from icons like Helmut Newton & William Wegman, Stéfane France’s humorous street photography, crazy colors from Markus Jork and mystical b&w from Robin Kuusela, exploring formats with Jaime Vedres, and being present with Jo Chapman
Spotlight on new products: the new Harman RED redscale film tested, the return of the original HC-110 developer, Kodak’s long-awaited Super-8 Camera, and the Aura35 Scanner.
Techniques in the darkroom and in the field: Bruce Barnbaum addresses the “Myth of Dry-Down,” Mike Crawford demonstrates creative approaches with Fomapastel papers, and Hermann Groeneveld looks at best practices for concert photography.
Film in professional practice: Johannes Huwe’s Americana series, Kitty Clark’s connection to film photography through different stages of her career, and Marwan El Mozayen’s exploration of studio fashion photography.
Keeping cameras and gear alive: “Repair, Restore, Reimagine” examines modern techniques to help keep our gear alive and kicking.
Book reviews: Film Camera Zen and Leica M provide different perspectives on film cameras.
Happy reading!
About SilvergrainClassics
You can read more about SilvergrainClassics at their site here: You may remember them from a previous name; they started life as 'PhotoKlassik International' before evolving to SilvergrainClassics!