Lomography Cameras and Kino

By Paul McKay

We have just introduced a comprehensive range of Lomography film cameras into our store - so are celebrating with a special deal and Instagram competition!

Lomography Cameras and Kino

Lomography Film Cameras

Since we launched our store in May 2018, we've constantly heard that one of the biggest barriers to folk starting up in film photography is the scarcity of new cameras. Don't get me wrong: there are LOTS of exceptional second-hand film cameras available for purchase at very reasonable prices, but there is a certain thrill about trying a new film camera designed specially for the modern aesthetic.

In recent months we've added an increasing range of entry-level 35mm film cameras: from disposables to simple reloadables to the Harman camera to the new SHOW cameras, and each of them has been met with a surge of interest from the community.

Now it is time to stretch the range outside the simplest of 35mm cameras and get creative with Lomography!

The new range includes the iconic Diana F+ 120 film camera, a Baby Diana 110 film camera, two Sprocket Rockets for shooting panoramic sprockety 35mm photos, and the beautifully simple La Sardina 8-Ball.

Lomography Kino Films

Now that we have the creative engines we must not forget the fuel! And Lomography has spend the past year launching an exciting range of Kino films: dramatic black and white emulsions with ISO ranging from 8 to 400. These are fantastic films to load in the cameras and experiment with monochrome magic.

Camera + Kino Promotion

So let's combine the cameras and the Kino films with a special deal!

For the next two weeks (from 1st October to 15th October inclusive) if you buy any Lomography Film Camera from Analogue Wonderland then you can add any Lomography Kino film to your basket for FREE!


  • 1st October to 15th October inclusive
  • No code needed - simply add a film camera and kino film to your basket and when you checkout the film will be free
  • Offer doesn't apply to the Lomography Simple Use Cameras
  • Valid once per customer

Instagram Competition!

And finally - let's show off all the creativity that you'll already have captured - we're looking for your BEST photos taken on Lomography Cameras OR Lomography Films!

To enter:

  • Upload a photo to Instagram with the hashtag #CamerasAndKino
  • Tell us a little bit about the camera and film combination in comments - what you liked, why it works
  • That's it! (T&Cs below)


The winner will receive a FREE Lomography Camera and Kino film of their choice!

Lomography Cameras and Kino - Flowers


The competition will close at midnight 15th October 2020. All entrants consent for their images to be used in the promotion of this 'Camera and Kino' activity across social media, website and email in 2020 only and by Analogue Wonderland/Lomography only. Full copyright remains with the artist and any use outside the stated will require explicit agreement from the artist.

The winner will be chosen by representatives from Analogue Wonderland and Lomography - their decision is final. Entries only valid if shot on Lomography film and/or cameras. The winner will be notified by Instagram DM by the end of October. If no response is received by end of November a new winner will be chosen. Please contact help@analoguewonderland.co.uk with any questions or concerns.

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