Happy Birthday Dubble! A Closer Look at Sunstroke 35mm Film

By Paul McKay

The Dubble Birthday Party

This week (on Wednesday 31st to be precise) our great friends Dubble Film will turn 1! That's right - a whole year of providing awesome creative films to photographers around the world. And to celebrate we are going to run a series of blog posts with Adam Scott - the man behind the brand - celebrating the 35mm films that Dubble have brought to life. It will culminate with a special Birthday Blog on Wednesday that just might have a little surprise in store...

So let's kick things off by asking Adam about the first film he created: Sunstroke


Sunstroke - what was the inspiration for the look?

Inspired by lightleaks of course :) a fault that most people hate but I love. I've been obsessed about them since getting a holga back in 2003 purely to get the leaks. And before any purists roll their eyes about toy cameras let me be clear that i shoot with different cameras for different reasons.


Sunstroke 35mm Dubble film - Analogue Wonderland 

No eye-rolling here! We do after all list APS film... What about the name, where did that come from?

What happens when you sit in the sun too long? Your film burns and so do you. Sunstroke!


What's the favourite photo you've ever taken on Sunstroke?

picture taken on Dubble Sunstroke 35mm film by Adam

This one is quite subtle but i love how the red pops some detail into the boat and creeps into the top-left.


What about your favourite community photo?

community image taken on Dubble film 35mm Sunstroke

Credit @louvedb on Instagram. It’s simply the perfect Sunstroke photo...


And finally - in what situations do you think this film really comes to life?

Depends on each film and the shooter! Generally I think natural light works better over heavy flash but I’m sure some photographers will prove me wrong. I would say our range works well for all styles and situations. And if you were to push me on Sunstroke specifically I'd say... Outside, beach, sun, portraits (make sure you take a couple of shots if you’re taking a portrait so you have strokes in different places)


Thank you Adam. If you like what you've heard and want to try out this fantastic film then Sunstroke 35mm is available to buy here on Analogue Wonderland

Tomorrow: Moonstruck!

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