I've used this film twice now. Once on purpose, the other time, not.
It's ISO 3, so can be pretty fine grained. Of course, the lower sensitivity also means that you need a lot light to get anything useful.
The first time I took it out, I had some ideas about getting some weird looking landscapes from it (I specifically took it out on a windy day to get some movement in the grass, unfortunately it ended up raining heavily).
The second time (this is on me) I took it out in error and rated at 320 (as that was what was printed on the black film tub I'd put it in - I load cameras in a dark bag). After i realised this was what had happened, I did push the film. Using Ilfosol 3 (not the best for pushing tbh) I developed it for 18 minutes. I did get something.
Do make sure you store this in something light tight though. I thought I had and still got light piping.
Anyway, it is interesting and any problems are of my making. It's expensive, so really for a treat, but it is very nice.