A very special limited-edition colour negative film! Silberra are not revealing how they came into this film - but they say it's not available anywhere else in the world! So grab a roll to try it for yourself: it promises high resolution, moderate grain and enhanced red and green sensitivity.
Silberra were formed in Feb 2017 as an arm of a Russian company that distributes Ilford and Foma across the country, as well as running one of Russia's top film photography shops. Since beginning the journey to create their own brand of film (in partnership with a local factory Micron) they have worked tirelessly to overcome the various obstacles and issues in pursuit of their goal: to make a new set of films from scratch that will deliver exceptional results to film photographers around the world.
Where we ship
When you buy your camera film from us we can ship it across the UK, Europe, USA, New Zealand, Australia and Canada (more countries planned soon!) So buy your Silberra Color 50 35mm Film today and dive back into the fun of 35mm film photography!
Sample shots (c) Silberra
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I was looking for something to fill the space left by the wonderful Agfa colour negative films that are no more. I love this stuff just as much - gorgeous colours with a unique palette and suitable for any situation where the colours are the essence of the story.
Sam B. (Bethnal Green, GB)
Perfect for:Portraits, Landscapes
pretty happy with the results
I don't often shoot anything below 200 iso but this was great last summer, it gives really vibrant results, I'm glad I still have a couple of rolls left!!
Nathan A. (Luton, GB)
Perfect for:Great All-Rounder, Portraits, Travel
Remortgage the house and buy this film!
This is a stunning film. If you can get your hands on it buy as much as possible. Such gorgeous colours
Jake W. (Penrith, GB)
Perfect for:Portraits, Landscapes, Pinhole/Long-Exposure, Architecture, Creative/Abstract, Travel, Studio work
Accreditation Handles:@rolleicorder82
Slow Riding
This was an intriguing emulsion, as Silberra colour film was totally new to me. You'll definitely need a sunny day though, due to that ISO 50 speed-luckily the weather spirits offered up some magical September sunshine and my Olympus XA2 did a sterling job. The Silberra 50 delivered beautifully rich and punchy colours, heading into Ektar territory (shades of the old Agfa Ultra 50 maybe?). Another film that's not the cheapest, but one I'll be using again for sure, especially if I need to inject a bit of pop into a dull day.
This film has beautiful colours - they're so bold throughout the spectrum. I shot this over a few days in bright summer sunshine, rainy cloud and sunset and did a great job of capturing it all - really versatile.