Cinestill BwXX 35mm film is a captivating monochrome film designed to deliver a timeless and cinematic experience. This film is derived from motion picture film stock used in Hollywood during the mid-20th century, making it an excellent choice for photographers seeking classic black and white aesthetics.
With its fine grain and high silver content, BwXX produces stunning, rich tones, deep blacks, and exceptional shadow detail. Whether you're shooting portraits, landscapes, or street scenes, Cinestill BwXX will infuse your images with an unmatched artistic allure, reminiscent of the golden era of film photography.
Films that have included scenes shot on this emulsion include Kill Bill Vol 1, Schindler's List, Casino Royale and Raging Bull - the definition of artistic royalty.
BwXX is officially rated at ISO 250 for Daylight and ISO 200 for Tungsten light, although photographers shooting at ISO 200 are highly unlikely to see any difference in the negatives.
CineStill celebrated it's 5th birthday in 2017, having quickly developed a fantastic reputation world-wide for their innovative approach to fulfilling analogue needs. They are specialists in converting rolls of cinema film - designed for movies - into batches of 35mm and medium format film that can be used in thousands of cameras, and developed in any minilab in the world. Their passion is for everyday photographers to have the same access to high-quality emulsions as Steven Spielberg, Wes Anderson, Martin Scorsese, and The Coen Brothers! Sometimes referred to as Cine Still.
For more information about the brand check out our bio of CineStill
Where we ship
When you buy your camera film from us we can ship it across the UK, Europe, USA, New Zealand, Australia and Canada (more countries planned soon!) So buy your CineStill BwXX 35mm Film today and dive back into the fun of 35mm film photography!
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During this summer I intended to take photos of old aircraft, military vehicles and vintage farm machinery. I decided that B&W film would be a good choice of medium to try a convey a sense of age, so I decided on the 35mm Cinestill BWXX as I has seen some good reviews. I have been very pleased with the results. The film has very fine grain and tonal range. The processed results when scanned had slightly less contrast than my preference so I have added some contrast after scanning. I now intend to try this film in medium format.
David T. (Sheffield, GB)
Perfect for:Great All-Rounder, Street Photography, Architecture
Accreditation Handles:Dave T.
Great contrast
Although it was slightly more grainy than I expected, the quality of this film is excellent. It's quite forgiving in terms of exposure, giving plenty of detail and a good contrast range.
K. (Northampton, GB)
Perfect for:Beginners, Portraits, Street Photography
Accreditation Handles:@KhandiePhoto
Beautiful details with a softness
Not being a massive lover of black and white, I fell for this. Beautiful tones that handled areas of high contrast well. Loved it for portraits as well as street photography. Even on an overcast day made the images interesting.
Mitch N. (Derby, GB)
Perfect for:Portraits, Street Photography, Architecture
Accreditation Handles:@n5lng_st
First time user, will be ordering again!!!
This is fabulous stuff. I dabbled in film during my studies, but left it there. I picked up my old Olympus OM and threw in a roll of this for my trip to Rome.
Best decision ever, portraits to tight street shots this stuff is very forgiving. I was very apprehensive of the variable speed, but it didn’t skip a beat. Would recommend and will definitely be ordering more.
Dr.Ania (Hammersmith, GB)
Perfect for:Portraits, Landscapes, Street Photography, Pinhole/Long-Exposure, Architecture, Creative/Abstract, Travel, Studio work
This is a show stopper!
I bought a few rolls if Cinestill 35mm and 120 with a conscious hope of finding an expression of nostalgia , for the London photowalk. I live in London , but avoid going 'into town' as it has become an uglier, dirtier beast than it was in my 20's (oldies all say that, because it's true), but didn't make the photowalk thanks to SW trains cancelling mine as I stood on the platform. I had hoped to find and replicate little cinematic corners of history for myself .
Never mind. I had a stock of Cinestill.
Sometimes the most amazing results come from using a film out of, what you originally thought was, it's context.
I had the film so I took it on my hols to France.
That is another story.
This week I got round to developing and printing some of the shots.
I had some Rodinal , so that's what I used , timing appropriate to shooting the film at 200. The camera was a Nikon FE , 28mm lens, with or without red filter.
It was pissing down with rain today so I had a go at printing.
I have to say ,I have a new favourite film!
It is a really moody one.
Luscious blacks, gorgeous contrast ( Gd 3 filter too contrasty, gd 2 a bit muddy, settled on 2.5)
Grain like golf balls.
Not to everyone's taste, but it is SO mine.
Lends itself well to storytelling , creative work and feeding the imagination. Extraordinarily good for textures and foliage.
I have no scanner , the only digital input to these images is the android phone i used to snap the prints for sharing here . They were a pleasure to print.
Try this at least once , especially if you print your own!