New Dubblefilm Range! More Film Photos for More Creativity

By Paul McKay

Dubblefilm 2.0

We have exciting news for all you lovers of creative and quirky film stocks. Dubblefilm are now collaborating with Revolog and have updated their entire range! What does this mean for you? It means FIVE things ladies and gentlemen, five. One reason for each of the amazing films that Dubblefilm offers. Let's take a closer look:

 New Dubblefilm GIF


1. More Photos per Roll

All the new Dubble films are now 36 exposure rather than 24! This means that you have more opportunities to experiment and capture stunning Dubble images with each roll of film.

2. Cheaper Cost/Photo

While the RRP of the films has moved from £10.50 to £12 - the increased number of shots means that the cost per photo is actually down 25%! So it's cheaper to produce a single Dubble photo - particularly when you factor in developing and scanning costs on top. Hurrah for economies of scale!

3. New Names

With the changes have come some evolutions of the film names.

Bubblegum and Jelly are staying the same (but we're differentiating them on our site by the exposure count - don't worry, it'll be obvious which is new!)

4. Updated Tints

As manufacturing has moved site, we are told that the tints have been tweaked and improved to bring the character of each film more to life - while maintaining the subtlety and delicacy of the originals. We can't wait to shoot through some rolls ourselves to see the difference!

5. Clearance on Dubble Originals

In order to make room for the new films, we are running a 20% discount on ALL the original films - while stock lasts. That's just £8/roll!

New Dubblefilm family - 35mm colour film - Analogue Wonderland

So there we have it. Five excellent reasons to head over to the Dubble page now and pick up some of the new flavours (or grab a bargain on the originals). And thank you in advance for supporting one of our favourite small independent manufacturers.


Happy Shooting!

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